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9mobile 2.5GB Free Browsing Configure For PC(laptop) Via SVL Injector

Written by Chrisrepair followers can now enjoy free internet on their PC(laptop) with the aid of SVL injector app, we are kick-starting Free internet on pc with the current trending 9mobile 2.5GB Free browsing that is been powered by the Http injector app and the KPN Tunnel, we will share the full configure files and the SVL app for PC on this post.Some our followers have been clamoring for free internet that can be used on the PC(laptop) without having to tether your android VPN connection, thanks to SVL injector we can now have pc versions of injector files for free internet, the 9mobile 2GB and 500mb files will be shared on this post, as we work on creating SVL files of other Http injector powered free internet. with the aid of the SVL app for pc users can now enjoy the 9mobile 2.5GB free internet directly on their PC without having to share from their mobile deviceAs a disclaimer, this free internet tweaks shared here are for educational purposes only, to alert the ISP about the loopholes available on their network at the same time providing free internet for users who utilize it at the moment, read on to figure out how to set up 9mobile 2.5GB Free browsing cheat on your PCClick Here to join our Telegram channel for more free Internet tricks like this and free tutorials on how-tos. Also, remember to like our Facebook page

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Some Features SVL Injector VPN

A good tunneling VPN For PC(laptop)Injector like VPN with Ssl and Http ProtocolsSimply UIHas a good connection speed

Requirements for 9mobile 2.5GB Free Browsing Configure For PC(laptop) Via SVL Injector

~ Recharge your 9mobile with N350 then Subscribe to any of the 9mobile social special park, dial *200*3*3*2#~ Select 3 to subscribe to the monthly plan @ N350This plan will give you 500mb for social media browsing you can check your data balance with *228# plus a hidden 2GB which will be used to power all your Apps with the aid of the SVL Injector app for PC~ Get your 9mobile sim card on your android smartphone and connect to your pc via WiFi hotspot or insert your 9mobile sim into your USB or WiFi Modem~ Download latest version of SVL injector App for PC

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SVL Injector VPN Settings for 9mobile 2.5GB Free Browsing Configure For PC(laptop)

Follow the instructions below to set up your SVL Injector VPN for free internet Surfing.

1. Download SVL Injector VPN from the link above~Download updated 9mobile 2GB SVL injector ehi configure file 1 From Here~Download updated 9mobile 500MB SVL injector configure file 1 From HereAll valid till 05/06/2020(30 days)2. Unzip the SVL Injector zip file then install the app and open3. Click on payload then load4. Search for the SVL 9mobile config file you downloaded earlier and import it(remember to import and use the 2GB Configure before using the 500mb file)5. Now click on start and allow it to connect,Now Click on Log to confirm and see the connected sign as shown belowNow open your browsers and surf the internet with your 9mobile free browsing cheat

Enjoy Latest 9mobile 2.5GB Free browsing Cheat Via SVL Injector VPN While it lasts. do well to join our Telegram Channel, telegram group or WhatsApp group for updates on more freebies


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