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How To Get Up To 500GB free Data Or 500k Airtime On Airtel – Airtel Unlimited Airtime Cheat 2020

Written by Chrisrepair

A bug is spotted on Airtel Nigeria network, this loophole allows users to buy airtime and data(up to 500GB) worth thousands of naira without actually paying for it, we will detail how it works and how you can possibly grab yours ASAP, before the loophole is fixed by the ISP(Airtel Nigeria). Read on to figure out how this latest Airtel airtime cheat works.

Like I highlighted below this loophole is on the My Airtel app that you can download and get free 1gb data, well it more like the developers of the app failed to stitch some thread leaving a loophole that allows users to buy any amount of data or Airtime without actually paying for it, until they fix the loopholes here is how you can Partake and possibly get unlimited Airtime and data on Airtel.

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As a disclaimer, note that free internet tweaks shared here are for educational purposes only, to alert the ISP about the loopholes available on their network so that they can fix it if they wish and at the same time providing free internet for users who utilize it at the moment.

How to get unlimited Airtime and data on Airtel up to 500GB-Latest Airtel Unlimited Airtime Cheat 2020

Follow the instructions below to grab your own free airtime or data before the loopholes are fixed

First, download my airtel app from any of the links below

Download the Airtel App from here for Android or download From here for IOS, if don’t have Playstore then download From this Mediafire link

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~Sign in with your airtel number

~then click on manage account

~Then Click on balance and recharges or or on Airtime recharge if you want to buy airtime

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airtel unlimited airtime cheat 2020

~Then select any data plan or enter the amount of airtime you want to buy

Click next, you will need to provide an email, you can input any random email

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Then proceed to the payment option, this is where the loophole is,

Input your Credit card details(ATM) and proceed to try making payment..

The loophole here is that you shouldn’t complete the payment, once the otp is sent to your Mobile number from your bank don’t input it, click cancel and return back, the airtime or data will be top-up with you paying for it.. 😊 as shown below.

airtel unlimited airtime cheat 2020

airtel unlimited airtime cheat 2020

Note :If the app failed to login or send OTP  due to server overcrowding, you can perform the trick from Airtel direct portal @ airtel.

Or you click on the terms and conditions option beneath the airtel app login page, then click on the MENU option and select Pay and recharge or Voice and data, then follow the instructions shared on this post..

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We Hope the ISP fixes the loopholes as soon as possible..

How To Use Latest Airtel Unlimited Airtime Cheat 2020 on PC

To be able to use this Latest Airtel Unlimited Airtime Cheat 2020 on your pc you will need to just one your phone wifi modem or insert your Airtel sim into a wifi or USB modem

Note that you can easily share your VPN connection with other Android smartphones or pc if even your phone is not rooted, to do so follow the instructions on this post promptly

Enjoy Latest Airtel Unlimited Airtime Cheat 2020 While it lasts. do well to join our Telegram Channel, telegram group or WhatsApp group for updates on more freebies



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