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Android HOW TO

How To Download And Install The New Android 10 Q Beta On Your Device

Written by Chrisrepair

Google has almost finalized the new Android 10 OS and it’s now on the beta(testing) stage, you can get the version installed on your smartphone following the instructions on this post,

Google has officially made available preview build, known as Beta 1, of the up and coming Android 10 which is required to take off in the not so distant future. As known through different holes before, the most recent Android version comes pressed with plenty of new changes. In this way, you have the system-wide dim mode, an upgraded permissions page, now Android users can keep apps from using the location while running in the background. Additionally, Google has now included support for foldable devices.

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The New Beta version is made available for developers though users of Pixel 3/3Xl, Pixel 2/XL, and on your original Pixel and Pixel XL Android smartphone can run this version hassle free.


How To Download And Install The New Android 10 Q Beta

To download this beta version of Android 10, there are two possible ways to get going with that;

  1. Join Android Q Beta Program

  2. Flash the Android Q images manually


How To Join Android Q Beta Program

one path is to get taken on the Android Beta program using the link given beneath, after which the Beta 1 will automatically land your Pixel phone by means of OTA update, follow the instructions below to join the beta program;

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  • Visit this link on your Pixel smartphone: Android Beta Program
  • Sign in using the Google account associated with Pixel device
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  • beneath, you’ll see Your Eligible Devices
  • Now, choose your smartphone from the list and Opt-in.
  • After following the prompts, you’ll be able to download the OTA update.


How To Flash the Android Q images manually

The second and progressively valiant option to attempt the new Android is manually flashing the Android Q factory images. To do as such, adhere to the instructions on this page cautiously.

For downloading the images, utilize this link. Remember that it’s an early build, so may have bunches of bugs and your phone may do abnormal things occasionally.

 Google will reveal more about Android 10 at this year’s Google I/O including the official name. So we’ll be keeping an eye on that too.

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Will update as more updates comes as regards the new Android OS, stay tuned to our blog

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