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You can now make international calls with Dent Global Voice Plan

Written by Chrisrepair

Dent has introduced a plan that allow users to make international calls from supported countries, with this plan you don’t have worry about international call charges and rates from your local service providers, with sufficient dent coins you purchase this global call plans and enjoy international call times

The dent global call plan is a new initiative thus still on the Beta mode, a supported on 60 countries Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana inclusive, according to our recent findings the dent global call plan is time based, full details on how it works will be made available as soon as we conclude the our findings, note however that you can get free data as well as international call times from the dent app if you adhere to the instructions on this post.

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We will keep you updated as soon the call features is fully functional. Stay tuned.

Best regards.


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