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Facebook, Google Microsoft, Amazon, Alibaba Donates Millions Of Dollars To Combat Conoravirus(COVID-19) Pandemic

Written by Chrisrepair

Conoravirus(COVID-19) pandemic has been on the spread lately, currently on 4 continents of the world, this has drawn the attention of the world billionaires and tech giants, as of the moment there are donating millions of dollars both in health kits and equipments, prevention masks, research and in cash to curb, fight the spread and possibly find a cure for the deadly COVID-19 virus, read on to find out what each and everyone of them is doing to support the World in this trying time.

Conoravirus officially named COVID-19 is a deadly disease that originated from the world industrial Hub “China” since the first out break the virus has spread rapidly with over 4000 death Cases recorded and 11000 plus confirmed cases, the tech giants are donating their resources to help curb this virus.

Amazon donated $50,000 worth of linens, towels, shelf-stable food and other supplies to help King County transform the former Econo-Lodge in Kent into temporary housing for patients in quarantine, isolation and recovery due to COVID-19, reports has it that the tech giant Amazon last week committed $1 million each to COVID-19 Response Fund.

Google on the other hand is playing her role on the fight against the COVID-19 virus, through her different medias,, youtube, the play store etc, on its search engines the conoravirus awareness campaign is live as any search relating to COVID-19 shows helpful tips as it concerns how to prevent, the symptoms and the treatment of the, virus, on YouTube’s home page a pop-up with a redirection to WHO centers for COVID-19 awareness is embedded.

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Through a banner that is popping up at the very top of the Google Play Store today, you can make an easy donation to help with coronavirus relief and containment. Your donations through the Play Store are sent to The Center for Disaster Philanthropy, an organization that is currently assisting smaller local organizations in treating and containing those affected by the outbreak.

On its website, The Center for Disaster Philanthropy details that its fund relating to COVID-19 will support healthcare workers, support those under quarantine and those especially vulnerable to the virus, and support the promotion of the best hygienic practices during this time.

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Also and Google employees have also donated over $6.5 million to support relief efforts, and as well the search giant said that its also donating $25 million in ad credit to WHO and government agencies.

Facebook on the other hand has matched up to $20 million in donations to support global relief efforts for Covid-19: $10 million apiece to the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund started by the United Nations Foundation and the World Health Organization, and to the CDC Foundation, which will begin a fundraiser in the next few weeks focused on the U.S.

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The social network also reaffirmed that 100% of money raised on Facebook and Instagram goes directly to the organizations.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post Friday, “A lot of people have told us that they want to help fight coronavirus but aren’t sure how, so we’ve worked with the United Nations Foundation and the World Health Organization to start a Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund, where anyone can go to make a donation.”

Jack Ma, co-founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, is donating millions of coronavirus test kits and face masks to the US, Europe and Africa.

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On Friday in a statement shared on Twitter, the Chinese billionaire said the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation would donate 500,000 test kits and 1 million face masks to the US. Alibaba Group confirmed the donation to CNET.

On Sunday, Ma joined Twitter and tweeted an image of the “first shipment” of face masks and test kits, saying it was taking off from Shanghai. It’s unclear who is receiving or distributing them.

On Monday, the Jack Ma Foundation also announced donations to Europe and Africa.

Microsoft has also committed more than RMB 40 million worth of products, services and solutions to equip frontline hospitals and medical workers, as well as providing free cloud services and support to enable turnkey work and study-at-home solutions to mitigate the impact of the outbreak for businesses, students and educators, and partners. On January 26, Microsoft provided an initial RMB 1 million donation to relief and containment efforts

“Microsoft is standing firmly with China in the face of this global challenge,” said Alain Crozier, Corporate Vice President, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft Greater China Region. ”On top of cash donations, our teams from Beijing to Seattle are working together around the clock, to lend the power of our technology and platforms to the people and organizations affected. We will do everything we can to help our employees, our customers and partners to get through this difficult period. It’s just common sense as we work to fulfill Microsoft’s mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”

As you can see, the world tech giants and billionaires are not left behind on the fight of the this deadly conoravirus(COVID-19), remember to Stay safe read this safety and prevent tips to stay safe

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