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Facebook Wants To make It clear That They Own Whatsapp & Instagram

Written by Chrisrepair

Facebook wants to make it official that they own WhatsApp and Instagram, recent reports have it that they will change the name of the apps, that is Whatsapp and Instagram to WhatsApp from Facebook and Instagram from Facebook, according to Global report this change can be enabled anytime soon before the end of 2020.

Mark said that this integration will help unite the three platforms and  bridge the communication gap between the social media platforms, 

Also a few months back, a renowned engineer at Facebook has shared a screenshot of Facebook working to integrate the messenger app inside the main Facebook 

You also remember that a beta feature of WhatsApp allows users to share their WhatsApp status to the Facebook story, this beta feature was enabled sometime last month, 

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Facebook has for a considerable length of time permitted both WhatsApp and Instagram to work and be marked freely. Individuals acquainted with the issue say the move signals Facebook plans to control Instagram and WhatsApp by adding its name to both applications. 

The entire rebranding procedure is said to occur slowly however the organization has started to add its name to certain screens on Instagram for iOS and Android. 

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A representative for Facebook said the organization “need to be more clear about the items and applications that are owned by Facebook.” 

The new epithet can be found in the About area on application stores that WhatsApp and Instagram are properties of Facebook.

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