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Iphone 6 Explodes in the hand of An Eleven Year Old Child

Written by Chrisrepair

Here is another report of iPhone 6 exploding, An 11-year-old California has reported that her iPhone 6 gadget burst into flames while holding it in her hands, Kayla Ramos said she was holding the iPhone in her hands when she saw sparks and needed to toss the gadget over the room which burned some part of her blanket.

According to 23ABC, Ramos said that she only used the device for watching YouTube videos alone, and once in a while let her younger sibling play games with it.

I was sitting down, and i had my phone in my hand and then i saw sparks flying everywhere and i just threw it on a blanket,”Ramos said. “I was right here on the bed and the phone managed to burn through this blanket and make these holes,” said Ramos.

Ramos mother, Maria Adata said that she connected with Apple and was advised to send the phone and pictures to a service center. Apple, thusly, will give the family another iPhone while it researches the reason for the explosion

This could have been my child,” said Adata. “My child could have been caught on fire and she could have been hurt more and I am glad she’s OK.


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Apple, on the other hand, did not publicly comment on the issue, generally, Apple says that there are several things that may cause iPhones to go on fire. Such things include the use of unauthorize charging cables, aftermath repairs, using the device while charging etc,

This is not the first time an Apple device is exploding, an iPhone X device exploded while it was being upgraded Early in 2018, an Iphone battery exploded in the mouth of a Chinese man who bought the battery and then bites it to test if it was original or not, this and more are reported events of Apple devices exploding, we hope they fix the issue pretty soon

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