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List of app stores to download Android apps from, other than playstore

Written by Chrisrepair

Some Android smartphones are not pre-loaded with the playstore app and cannot be installed, e.g are the blackberry android version smartphone and some Chinese  android smart phones and tablets thereby making it impossible  to download or update apps from playstore on those devices

Is your Android phone among those? or is the playstore app is giving you some headache? have you once been in my shoes, finding it stressful to download apps from the playstore?
Downloading apps from playstore can be a stress if you have low memory on your device or experiencing some network hiccups, the annoying part is that if eventually your download stops on the way due to any of the above reasons the initially downloaded data will be wiped out only to restart from zero percent, another con of Playstore is that if a download is completed and unfortunately there isn’t enough space on your device to install the downloaded app the downloaded app will be automatically deleted to restart when you must have freed some space, all this resulting to waste of data, time and money

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Some of these unpleasant experience with playstore moved me to search for solutions and eventually a solution is here for us ,I found other stores where one can download Android apps with an advanced user interface and less data consumption, so sit back as I list those potential stores.

  1. Aptiode
  2. APKpure
  3. 9APP

.1.Aptiode: Aptiode is a competing and interesting android store that automatically searches the web for any game, app you can think of, Aptitiode is number 1 in my ranking not only because of its smart user interface but also it’s feasibility and minimal data consumption

Pros of Aptiode

  • Easy and flexible user interface
  • Online app search engine
  • Ability to pause/Resume downloads
  • Ability to automatically pause download due to network interruptions
  • Raw file storage, comes in handy if you ran out of memory to install the downloaded app
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Con’s of Aptiode

  • May not contain some regional apps

download Aptiode from any of the links below

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2.APKpure: APKpure is another store to download apps from other than playstore, it’s a well developed app store with lots of games/apps which can be downloaded with just a click or by simply doing a Search.

Pros of APKpure

  • Loaded with a tangible number of apps
  • Have apps that are not on playstore

Con’s of APKpure

  • Some Regional and paid apps might not be available on the store.

download APKpure from any of the links below

download link 1

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3.9APPS: 9APPS is yet another good apps store, loaded with most used apps with a nice user interface too, though has low number of apps for download.

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Pros of 9APPS

  • Good user interface
  • Ability to search for apps and download with just a click
  • A good alternative to Aptitiode and APKpure

Cons of 9APPS

  • It’s limited to few apps

download 9APPS from any of the links below

 download link

Those are the cool stores to download and update your apps with ease
There are also some web store with good and verified virus free apps, those stores are online and are only accessible through your browsers(Chrome, Firefox, Opera mini, )

they include:


Have you tried any of the app stores above, which do you find cooler?
Use the comment box below to air your view
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