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How To Monitor Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone Legally

Written by Chrisrepair

Would You like to keep an eye on the activities of your employees, are your workers slacking off and you would like to monitor them to ascertain if they are misusing your business finances? then this article is for you, we have discussed a detailed guideline on how you can track and Monitor Your Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone legally with easy.

This article will guide you o how you can track your employee’s activities with the aid of some Android apps.

Is Tracking Or Monitoring Employees Activities Legal?

This question should be answered before we proceed further, the answer isn’t straight. Diverse nations have distinctive sorts of laws which is the reason you ought to be watchful before installing any monitoring or spying application on the phones of your employees. On the off chance that you’re attempting to monitor an employee’s personal phone, at that point, this could be a major lawful issue.

Be that as it may, in case you’re attempting to monitor a company-issued gadget issued to your employee, at that point, that is lawfully conceivable. Simply ensure that the employee realizes that he/she is being tracked and all the monitoring is business related. We would in any case highly suggest looking for some legitimate counsel before installing monitoring or spying apps on the phones of your employees.

Likewise, the application referenced underneath is planned just to monitor people legitimately. This guide isn’t intended to be utilized to monitor or track others illegally. You should possibly utilize this guide on the off chance that you own the gadget or reserve the option to monitor the gadget.

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You might need to Monitor your Employees Device For The Following Reasons:

  • To decide if employees are abusing the phone to make personal phone calls.
  • Track the area of your employee’s phone to decide whether they are extremely outside for meeting a customer or for personal work.
  • To guarantee that employees are not releasing any confidential data of your business to other people.

How To Monitor Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone

Here are the available methods to track your employee’s activities with a mobile smartphone

1.Monitor Your Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone With mLite Phone Tracker:

The “mLite Phone Tracker” application is fundamentally structured and proposed for family use. In any case, it is additionally an incredible application for independent ventures to corporate business. With this application, you can Monitor Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone regarding their location and recent calls.

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The “mLite Phone tracker” is the LITE version of “mSpy” which is an app that’s not available in the Google Play store.

  • Download and Install mLite Phone Tracker directly from the Google Play store. Simply launch the Google Play store app, search for “mLite Phone Tracker” and tap install.
  • Launch the App and Opt to Subscription: The “mLite Phone Tracker” app is not for free and you will need to pay a monthly premium fee of $19.99 a month.
    To Start, simply launch the app by tapping on it. Once done, subscribe to its premium monthly service
  • Setup mLite Phone Tracker: after subscribing, proceed to set and configure your “mLite Phone Tracker” app
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Monitor Your Employee's(Worker's) Android Phone

  • You will also need to install the same app to your company provided employee smartphone. Once installed, opt to “Switch to Child.” From there, you will be given a QR Code to pair and link those devices to mLite account

Monitor Your Employee's(Worker's) Android Phone

2.Monitor Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone With mSpy Phone Monitoring App:

On the off chance that you wish to have an application that is unquestionably increasingly thorough and can monitor each part of the phone, at that point we highly recommend looking at the “mSpy” application.

As indicated by the Developers— “Monitoring in the work environment is completely legal, regardless of whether it goes to your office, corporate vehicles, or even company-owned gadgets. Therefore, the following software installed on the phones utilized by your employees is additionally legal. In addition, it’s as of now an absolute necessity, as an amazing mobile phone tracker can without much of a stretch avert information and resources spillage. By the by, if you don’t mind note that on the off chance that you need to monitor your employees’ personal gadgets, they ought to be aware.”

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The “mSpy” application is fit for monitoring instant messages, calls, current GPS location, Snapchat, WhatsApp and significantly more. Thusly, you can completely monitor the activities of your employees and how they utilize their company-issued Android smartphone.

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To know more about “mSpy,” via their official website.

3.Monitor Employee’s(Worker’s) Android Phone With Tile Mate – Key Finder

In the event that you want something that is modest and doesn’t expect you to have a sign up, a record, or an external app to use to monitor company-issued Android phones with your employees, at that point we recommend looking at “Tile Mate.”

The “Tile Mate” is a little GPS and Bluetooth GPS beacon that you can stick to any electronic gadgets. Alongside its App accessible on the Google Play store or iOS store, it will recollect the last location and history of its location. It’s entirely advantageous!

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The main drawback to this is you won’t most likely monitor, track, and record any activities that your employees do with their company-issued Android smartphone.

Lapping Things Up: it’s ideal that your employees are aware and are well informed that they are being tracked before installing the tracking app as we mentioned earlier also note that you only have the right to track company-issued smartphones, not employee’s personal phones.

Hope you found the tutorial helpful, share your opinions via the comment box below.

Best Regards.

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