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Latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat Via Edoz V2ray VPN 2021

Written by Chrisrepair

Here is the latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB Daily free Browsing cheat, with the aid of the new MTN Free Browsing Settings on this app androidtechvilla followers that uses the MTN network can browse the Internet free of any charge without any active data subscription or airtime, this is the latest MTN Nigeria free browsing cheat and it works Swiftly. Read on to figure out how this latest MTN NG 0.00kb Free Browsing Cheat Via Edoz V2ray VPN works

The Edoz V2ray VPN is a new V2ray protocol VPN, with Inbuilt free internet settings for different countries and networks, the good thing about the app is that it inbuilt files doesn’t expire like that of the NapsternetV app and it’s easy to use just like Edoztunnel VPN which is used to get unlimited free internet for every country and networks.

This latest MTN 0.00KB 500MB Free Browsing Cheat on the Edoz V2ray App like the title suggests is capped to the around 500mb daily, that’s to say that if you use more than 500mb any day, you will be able to use it again the next day, if you have multiple mtn sim cards then you can switch them and enjoy more data note that the Airtel and 9mobile 0.00kb free browsing cheat are still Blazing on the Edoz V2ray app, you can check them out too, also this MTN 0.00kb free browsing cheat is for followers in Nigeria.

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Some Features of the Edoz V2ray VPN

1~ Inbuilt Cheap and free internet settings

2~ Fast Server speed

3~ Good and Simple UI

4~ V2ray, Shadowsocks and VMess Protocol VPN

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5~ Different free internet settings for different countries

6~ Non Expiring settings

Requirements For Latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat Via Edoz V2ray VPN

1~ An android Smartphone running on android 4 or later or a PC with android Emulator

2~ Your MTN Nigeria Sim Card with 0.00kb balance, note that your data wouldn’t be touched even if you have an active data balance

3~The Edoz V2ray VPN App

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Edoz V2ray Settings for Latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat 2021

Below is how you can use the Edoz V2ray app for this latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat , like I said earlier the settings are inbuilt, so it will be quite easy for you to use.

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1~ First Download the Edoz V2ray app from the links above

2~ Install and launch the Edoz V2ray app, it should fetch the tweaks automatically, if doesn’t then click on the update Tweaks logo to fetch the available free(you need to switch your network to a data enabled sim to be able to updated the tweaks

3~ Select any of the MTN 500mb option

4~Now click on the pink-like hanging logo to connect

5~ It should connect immediately, wait for some seconds and click on the “tap to check connection” option, it should write Success:HTTP Handshake., if it shows Connection not successfully, then you will have to switch off your Data and reconnect

Then you can minimize the Edoz V2ray app and browse the internet for free

Note:It might take some while to successfully connect, so don’t be in a haste.

As soon as You are connected, your free 500mb cheat will be activated, and you will be given free 500mb by MTN (to access e learning websites only) but with the aid of Edoz V2ray VPN you can use the data to power all your apps

Note: If your MTN 500MB cheat failed to connect, then you will Need to first activate the free 500mb daily, to do that simple visit, stay on the site for some while, then exit, and check your data balance with.*131*4#, to view your free e learning data

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Then go back to Edoz V2ray app, select the MTN 500MB option and connect

How to use Latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat Via Edoz V2ray VPN on your PC

To be able to use this Latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat Via Edoz V2ray VPN on your pc you will need to read this detailed guideline on how you can share your phones VPN connection with a pc this method works flawlessly, so check them out

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Enjoy the Latest MTN 0.00Kb 500MB free Browsing cheat Via Edoz V2ray VPN and don’t forget to share with your friends and rate the app 5 star on the playstore.

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