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New NCC Unified USSD Codes For All Networks In Nigeria – MTN Leads The Adoption

Written by Chrisrepair

You might have noticed that the *556# no longer works for checking your Airtime balance on the MTN network, well, the Nigeria Communication Commission has directed & mandated all the network operators in Nigeria to adopt and use a set of new Unified(the same) USSD shortcodes for such operations and MTN has taken the lead at implementing the new codes on their network

Five years after the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) shared a report on uniform shortcodes, stakeholders in the telecoms industry will now begin implementation. Harmonised shortcodes allow customers of different mobile operators and banks to use the same USSD codes to check airtime balance, buy airtime or even make bank transactions. The primary argument for harmonisation is that it will enable easy memorisation and a more cohesive regulatory environment.


According to the Association of Licenced Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON), the migration to a new set of codes will be concluded by May 17th, 2023, which will mark the end of the viability of old shortcodes. The proposed new shortcodes will then continue as the only means of sending the commands on mobile devices. The proposed harmonised shortcodes include 300 for call centres; 303 for airtime borrowing services; 310 for balance checking; 311 for credit recharge; 312 for data plan; and 2442 for porting services.

As if 17th may 2023, When you dial the *556# command on the MTN network, you will get a prompt that says your dial was wrong and that you should choose from a list of 7 items what command you intended, as shown on the screenshot below

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So you should use the new Unified code for checking account balance on MTN and other networks(Airtel, GLO, 9mobile) in Nigeria which is *310#, are the list of the unified codes for other networks operations


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Below is a list of the Unified USSD codes for all mobile networks in Nigeria:

Call Centre(Customer Care): 300
Borrow Services: *303#
Stop Service: *305#
Check Balance: *310#
Credit Recharge: *311#
Data Plan: *312#
Data plan balance: *323#
Share Services: *321#

As an average mobile phone user in Nigeria has more than one sim card the adoption of the unified USSD codes will solve the hassle of having to memorise multiple USSD codes of different networks for frequent transactions.

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