Here is another Algeria free internet browsing cheat that ensure a 0.00kb internet access for those on the telecom network, with the settings accessing the internet becomes easy and free as you don’t need any data plan to do so, we have shared the anonytun powered settings to allow anyone to set it up and join the free internet raid
We noticed that there seem to be open loopholes for free internet on almost every ISP in Algeria, welk its a welcome development for our readers from that nation, they are now left to make choices since the option are vast, we will add this anonytun free internet to the list of the free internet tricks we shared for Algerians lately. set it up and enjoy.
Click Here to join our Telegram channel for more free Internet tricks like this and free tutorials on how-tos. Also, remember to like our Facebook page
Some Features Of Anonytun VPN
A good tunneling VPN
Easy to set up servers
a simple UI
fast in connection
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Requirements for Telecom Algeria Free Internet Browsing On Anonytun VPN
~ A Telecom Algeria sim card with zero data and call credit
~An Android device, iOS or PC
~Your Anonytun VPN (download from here )
~The configuration settings below
Anonytun VPN Settings for Telecom Algeria Free Internet Browsing
There are different settings for this Indosat Ooredoo Unlimited free internet apply then respectively.
2.Click on Stealth settings and then turn it on
3. Now configure this way:
Connection Protocol: HTTP
Connection Port: 443
Connect via Parent Proxy: Don’t Enable
Custom TCP/HTTP Headers: Enable
Request Method: Connect
Injection Method: Normal
Forward Host: Tick
Online Host: Tick
User-Agent: Tick
Generate and then save
Now click save in the Stealth Settings.
Advance SSL Settings: Enable
Spoof SNI Host: Tick
True SSL (Anti DPI): Don’t Tick
Spoof Host: Port Tick
Spoof Host:
Spoof Port: 443
Save and hit on connect, allow it to connect, When it does, open your browser and enjoy free unlimited Internet Access.
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How To Use Telecom Algeria Free Internet Browsing On Anonytun VPN On Your PC
To be able to use this Telecom Algeria Free Internet Browsing On Anonytun VPN on your pc you will need to read this detailed guideline on how you can share your phones VPN connection with a pc this method works flawlessly, so check them out
Note that you can easily share your VPN connection with other Android smartphones or pc if even your phone is not rooted, to do so follow the instructions on this post promptly
Enjoy Telecom Algeria Free Internet Browsing On Anonytun VPN While it lasts. do well to join our Telegram Channel, telegram group or WhatsApp group for updates on more freebies