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America Brazil NETWORKS &BROWSING TIPS Vivo vivo brazil

Vivo Brazil Unlimited Free Internet Via DNS

Written by Chrisrepair

Our followers from Brazil utilizing the Vivo network for internet access should set up their android Smartphone for free internet access using the settings on this page, aided by Slow DNS VPN you can bypass toll on internet and access the internet without any active data subscription or airtime.

Slow DNS is another DNS protocol VPN, we are using it for this free internet on the Vivo network, you can apply these things on other DNS protocol VPNs, hammer vpn, Droid VPN, your freedom VPN, etc, note that this Vivo free internet as the title suggests is for followers in Brazil

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Note, however that we have free internet settings for other users, countries and networks you can check them out here and share with your friends.

Some Features Slow DNS VPN

A Tunnel guru Tunneling app

A host of different servers

a simple UI

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slow in connection with the basic free plan

Requirements for Vivo Brazil Unlimited Free Internet via Slow DNS VPN

~ A Vivo Brazil sim card with zero data and call credit

~An Android device, iOS or PC

~Your Slow DNS VPN (download from here )

~The configuration settings below

Slow DNS VPN Settings For Vivo Brazil Unlimited Free Internet

1 Install the app and then open the Slow DNS VPN app

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2. Install and open the app.
3. Now use the below settings to configure your Slow DNS app:
Username and password: Leave this part
Server: select any free server of your choice
DNS Server: or or any a faster TunnelGuru IP address
Choose TXT: Response not encoded
LPort= 300 , RPort= 80
Binary Query: Tick
Click on Connect
4. Wait for the connection to go through because sometimes it might take a while for it to go through However, if it doesn’t, simply try reconnecting again.

How To Use Vivo Brazil Unlimited Free Internet via Slow DNS On Your PC

To be able to use this Vivo Brazil Unlimited Free Internet via Slow DNS VPN on your pc you will need to read this detailed guideline on how you can share your phones VPN connection with a pc this method works flawlessly, so check them out
Note that you can easily share your VPN connection with other Android smartphones or pc if even your phone is not rooted, to do so follow the instructions on this post promptly

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Enjoy Vivo Brazil Unlimited Free Internet via Slow DNS VPN While it lasts. do well to join our Telegram Channel, telegram group or WhatsApp group for updates on more freebies

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