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Asia Jazz Ufone

Free 700GB Data Code For Ufone And Jazz Pakistan 2019

Free 700GB Data For Ufone
Written by Chrisrepair

Ufone users in Pakistan can now get a whopping 700gb free data for internet surfing, simple by dialing the USSD code that we are to share on this post, if you are lucky enough to grab the free data then you can enjoy almost unlimited internet surfing without any restrictions, Telenor and Zong Users In Pakistan are enjoying something like this at the moment, or maybe the ISP has fixed the loopholes.

Well Ufone users can get this 700GB of data on any of their smartphone device, be it android, IOS, Windows etc, the free data is not glued to any  Social Media Bundle, furthermore it doesn’t require a VPN to tunnel the connection, all you need do is to all you need do is to grab the USSD codes above, dial them and probably grab the free data, easy right? here we go

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How To Get 700GB Data On Ufone And Jazz Pakistan


1. Your Jazz and Ufone Pakistan SIM card
2. An Android device, iOS, or any mobile phone of your choice to activate the data
3. No tunneling app is required
4. The instructions
5. Patience

For Zong Users:
Get any mobile device with a Jazz SIM in it (Recommended you get an Android device)
2. Dial any of the below codes

3. With each activation, you should get a message telling you of the successful activation of the free data. However, in case it didn’t work for you, click here to read how to resolve and make it work.

For Ufone
1. Get any mobile device with a Ufone SIM in it (Recommended you get an Android device)
2. Dial any of the below codes
3. You should also receive a notification with a successful activation of the free data prompt. Once you get an SMS confirming it, you can now open your browser and surf, stream and download every corner of the internet.
Enjoy while it lasts…
Best Regards.

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