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Your Phone’s Battery Will Last Longer If you Turn Off This Settings

Written by Chrisrepair

You can increase your Phone’s Battery duration by a good percentage if you can just turn off some features that you left running on your phones background without actually using them.
Every phone owner loves it when their phone’s battery lasts longer, but are we obeying the rules set for that? the answer is obviously no, these rules are pretty simple but sometimes hard to obey, though the manufacturers didn’t outline this rules, making it unofficial for Android users, if even they(the manufacturers) do, reading phone manuals is not a culture over here.

On this post we are going take a look at some of the rules, one of them is “Turning off those Idle power consuming features that suck some juice out of our phone’s battery, doing what it’s made to do, the only problem is that we don’t need those services at that point in time”

We highlighted some of these Features that you need to turn off when not needed to Increase your android phone’s battery life

Features To Turn off for a long lasting phone’s battery

1. WIFI:

WIFI is one of those features that are of great use, Wifi powers the popular flash share and xender used for sending and receiving data and files, it’s with WiFi that we connect to Hotspots, WiFi is one of the components that our android smartphone can’t do without, however, it’s downside is that it’s a battery drainer.

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Wifi is the WLAN connection that makes it possible for android phone or any enabled device to connect to a local area network, popularly know as hotspots, with the aid of hotspots we can share internet connection with others, share files with other android phones and pc via Xender app, Do you know you can connect your phone to a pc with Xender?, those are the works of wifi, the thing is that we often forget to turn it off after use, leaving it running in the background, thus having a good deal on our phone’s battery.

If you really need to Increase your android phone battery life you should always remember to turn it off after use even when xender or flash share is disconnected wifi sometimes stays on, to turn it off simply swipe down your home widget and click on the wifi icon.

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This component is popularly referred to as Location on android phones, this component is barely used, 70% of Android users don’t even know what it does. The supposed name is GPS, it aids Google map and other location-based apps to find the right coordinate so as to determine your phones current location, it does this by connecting to one, two or more satellite, so as to get your phone accurate location.

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while doing it’s work, your battery is bearing the burden, but since you barely make use of it, do your battery some good by turning it off, navigate to your phone’s settings, location then turn it off or simply swipe down your home widget, click on the location icon to turn it off, this will surely Increase your android phone battery life

3. WiFi Hotspot:

Almost every Android user is familiar with Hotspot, it’s either you are used to connecting to other people’s Hotspot for data sharing purposes or you share data connection with others with its aid, whichever one, always remembered to turn it off, though it’s automatically switched off when Idle for some period of time but most times those settings are disabled, thus keeping it on always, do well to go to your phone settings, Tethering, and Hotspot and turn it off, doing these is an evidence that you really want to Increase your android phone battery life

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When it comes to battery consuming components, mobile data is one of them, mobile data is the sole reason why android Smartphone becomes warn especially if your device is one of those that support 4G/5G networks, some are of a habit of leaving their Mobile data on always, this contributes to battery drainage on Android smartphones, do well to turn it off, and save your battery some life or even Increase your android phone battery life as well.

Other Components or Features that you will Equally need to Turn off To Increase Your android phone battery life Includes:
Also Read: best practices to optimize your phone battery
Do well to turn these features off when not in use, your battery will thank you for that..
Have any other feature you think sucks more battery other than those listed above, kindly share with us via the comment box below…


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