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Best Bitcoin Wallets with Lowest and Adjustable Transaction Fees

Written by Chrisrepair

Is the high bitcoin sending fees of most exchange platforms and wallets getting into your nerves? , are you searching for a bitcoin wallet with a lower and Adjustable Bitcoin sending fees? If yes is your answer to those questions, then you have stumbled on the right post, on this post we will share the best bitcoin wallet with the lowest bitcoin transaction fees, with these wallets you can pay as low as $0.6 instead of $25 charged by most bitcoin exchanges and wallets.

Bitcoin(BTC) is the mother of cryptocurrency, since the introduction of bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency making payment online is made swift, Bitcoin came with the sole aim of eliminating barriers faced with traditional fiat currency in terms of making payments across the world, with cryptocurrency you can send money to anyone in the world swiftly and securely without any third party interference or huge transaction fees.

But lately it seems like one of the major goals of bitcoin is lagging, in terns of the fee involved while sending bitcoin from one wallet to another, the sending fees are very high in major Cryptocurrency exchanges, sending $10 worth of bitcoin will attract an insane fee of $18 to $25, making bitcoin look like the rich peoples coin, the high sending fees cuts across some other Cryptocurrency like Ethereum, USDT, etc,

Amidst these wallets with high bitcoin Transaction fees, they are exemptions, on these wallets you can adjust the fees you pay for sending btc to other wallets, and if you decide to go with their regular sending fees you will still be saving a lot compared to other wallets, we will list the wallets below.

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Note that we buy and sell Bitcoin, Tron, Ripple, Litecoin, Payoneer, PayPal and other Cryptocurrencies on,

List of Best Bitcoin Wallets with Lowest Bitcoin Transaction(Sending) fees

Below are bitcoin wallets that allows you customize and adjust the fee you pay while sending out bitcoin from their wallet to another wallet, with these wallets you can pay as low as $0.05 in fees while sending out Bitcoin.

1~ Blockchain Wallet wallet formerly is one of the oldest bitcoin wallet, Wallet has been in the game for a long time and has equally advanced, has a pocket-friendly bitcoin Transaction fee.

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While sending out Bitcoin on you have the options to select the amount you pay as a transaction fee,) the regular fee option is recommended, while priority option will cost more but will ensure faster delivery, you can even customize the fee to your taste, remember, however that the higher your transaction fee the faster the confirmation of your transaction blockchain.

Download Wallet from here

How To Send out Bitcoin From Wallet

1~ Click on Send and select Bitcoin from the Currency drop-down menu.

2 ~If you have multiple sub-wallets, you can choose the sub-wallet you want to send from in the From drop-down menu.

3~ In the To field, paste the recipient’s address OR scan the recipient’s QR code.

4~ Enter the amount you want to send.

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5~ Add an optional description for your transaction. Please note: only you will be able to see this.

6~ From the Transaction Fee drop-down menu, choose either a Regular or Priority fee. Regular fees are lower, but transactions can take over an hour to confirm. Priority fees cost more but are calculated to ensure transactions confirm within an hour. For an in-depth look at how our fee recommendations work,

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7~ Once you’re ready to send, click Continue to review the details of your transaction.

8~ Once you have verified your transaction details, click Send Bitcoin to send the funds. Not ready to send? Click the X in the upper-right corner to close the window. If you need to modify your transaction details, like the recipient’s address or the amount, select Go Back to return to the previous step.

9~ To monitor any incoming and outgoing bitcoin transactions, visit your Bitcoin tab in the left navigation of your wallet.

Customize your transaction fee (for advanced users only)

Custom transaction fees should only be set by users with an advanced understanding of transactions and bitcoin fees. Note that Setting too low of a fee may cause your transaction to remain unconfirmed for days, so don’t be too greedy.

To specify a custom transaction fee, click Customize Fee in the bitcoin send screen and enter your chosen fee in sat/b.

2~ Atomic Wallet

Atomic Wallet is one of the cryptocurrency wallet that has low bitcoin sending fees and equally allows users to customize the fee they pay while sending out Bitcoin, Atomic Wallet is one of the Best Mult-Cryptocurrency wallet that we recommended on this post,

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Download Atomic Wallet From Here

How To Send Bitcoin on Atomic Wallet

  1. Choose the asset from the asset list. You can use the search field on the top. We will make an example with BTC but that’s true for any other asset. Click on BTC.
  2. You will see coin info and Send/Receive interface. Click on Send button.
  3. You will see the address field, your available balance, and the amount field.
  4. Tap to paste the address of the receiver or use a QR-code scanner. Enter the amount or use Send All button to send all of the available balance (excluding the network fee).
  5. After entering the amount you will see the network fee you are paying for the transaction.
  6. Check all the information before sending and click Send X amount
  7. Confirm the transaction with your password. Click Confirm.
  8. Success! You’ve just sent an asset. You will be presented with the hash, that you can search on the block explorer. Click Back to go back to the wallet.
  9. You can then see your outcoming transaction on the coin info page. Check our guide on how to track the transaction in History.

Other Bitcoin Wallets With Low and Pocket-Friendly Transaction fees includes multi-cryptocurrency wallets like Trust Wallet, Exodus wallet, Hardware wallets like Nano, Ledger S, etc

That’s are our list of Best Bitcoin Wallet with Low transaction fees, hope the list met your expectations.

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