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Latest Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing Cheat To Cast/ Get Blocked Come July 15

Written by Chrisrepair

Hey guys pay attention to this viral speculation, it has been speculated that the latest Glo 0.00kb free browsing cheat we are currently enjoying will be discontinued very soon, after July 15th to be precise, this speculation holds some little water though, we all know that if Glo data connection goes back to its former state of only been active on sims with data subscription them its a goodbye to the cheat.


What are the reasons behind this speculation, alright here are the reasons, its reported that the Glo data connection popped up on non-subscribed sim cards immediately Globacom partnered with Startimes Tv to Provide free 2018 world cup stream to her subscribers, this provided a special pocket friendly data plan only for streaming the live matches on the Startimes tv mobile app, I personally wrote about this special offer from Globacom you can check out here, thus resulting to enabling data connection on every Glo sim card regardless of its Subscription status, that’s the more reason some argue that this latest cheat is a glitch, not cracked
We all know that the Russia 2018 world cup will be done with come 15th July 2018 and if this speculation or assumption is true then that’s the end of the Glo 0.00kb free browsing cheat that most us are rocking via Anonytun VPN or Downloading Unlimitedly Via UC mini Handler.

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Also Read: Apply this Tweak if Your UC mini handler is not Downloading with latest Glo 0.00kb cheat

This looks like the fact though, but who knows it might be just a mere uncalculated speculation, we hope so  😀  , however, its advised that you make hare while the sun shines if your a lucky to have a stable Glo network in your location because as we wave goodbye to the World Football Fiesta come July 15, 2018, we might as well be licking the last drop of the latest Glo 0.00kb Free Browing Cheat  😆

What do you think about this speculation?  let us know via the comment box below,
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