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Google Launches Shoelace, A New Social Network That Connects People Physically

Written by Chrisrepair

The tech giant “Google has launched a new social network that connects people together, this time physical instead of the popular web-based connection. Soon after Google shut down Google + we thought the tech giant has backed out of the social media race until now that they announced the launch of new social network called Shoelace

As per the search giant, the Shoelace app was made to help people with shared interest connect and also discover activities to do with these people. This app urges people to meet and do activities, all things considered, as opposed to Facebook, Twitter, and so forth., which connects people on the web only. The Shoelace app was built by Google’s in-house incubator Area 120, with a mission to help facilitate real-world connection.

“Shoelace is a mobile app that helps connect people with shared interests through in-person activities. It’s great for folk who have recently moved cities or who are looking to meet others who live nearby,” the shoelace website read.

According to the site, Shoelace is extraordinary for people who simply moved to another city and don’t realize much people yet and are searching for people to meet. As for the moment, the app is only available for the public  in New York City, however, developers are chipping away at extending the support of different Cities in the US and other part of the world

“While our goal is to bring Shoelace to cities nationwide, we’ve decided to focus our efforts on New York City at first,” Shoelace website reads. “This will help us determine what works and what doesn’t as we work to make the app available to more people.”

To connect users, the app will first enquire for users interests and then recommend a series of “hand-picked” local activities which are called “Loops.” With the shoelace app, users can also create their activities and then invite others to join in.

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Regarding users privacy and safety, the tech giant assures users that their “safety and privacy” are their top priority at shoelace.” Google went on to highlighted that members undergo verification to ensure that they attend Loop with people they want to meet and interact with based on interest etc.

“After installing the app, we ask each user to join a community– which often require verification– to ensure you only attend Loops with people you might want to know,” the website said.

“We also work hard to make sure that everything you see in shoelace- from profiles to Loops- is aligned with our House Rules and community standards,” the website added.

Even though Shoelace is restricted to persons in New York City only,, the app, for now, is invite-only. If you happen to be living in New York City and wish to join Shoelace you will need to request an invitation by filling up this Google form. The app is available for download for free on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store but that’s via Test Flight.

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What do you think about this new move on the social network by the tech giant, Google, do they have the right bite?, leave your views via the comment box below.

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