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How To Convert Airtime to Cash In 2023

Written by Chrisrepair

Here are the best methods of converting your Airtime to Cash In 2023, this methods are swift and easy to use, with the aid of these platforms you can exchange any networks Airtime to Cash and have the cash credited to your bank account to account almost immediately

Sometimes we have so much airtime than we actually need thus want to get the cash (Naira) equivalent, the reasons may vary, the most common reasons are probably when we receive free airtime from our loved ones, received airtime as a price for a competition or mistakenly over recharged our lines via bank recharge due to bad or epileptic network, whichever one, you might need to convert that airtime back to cash but to no avail unless we are lucky enough to find another who is ready to buy from us directly

Things has changed now, a solution is here, thanks developers and entrepreneurs, I will unveil on this post these methods and platforms that can help you convert your airtime to cash.

How To convert Your Airtime to Cash In 2022

We will share the working ways and platforms to exchange your Airtime to Cash In 2022.


cheetahpay is one of the working platform to convert airtime to cash in Nigeria. With cool features, Apis and fast Airtime to Cash exchange time, Withdrawals are processed in the shortest possible time (Usually within 3mins).

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One of the good feature of Cheetahpay is that one must not create an account with us to convert your airtime by using the Quick Cash option and have your money delivered directly to your bank account, they equally have an API that website owner can integrate on their website

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How To exchange Airtime to Cash with Cheetahpay

1.Quick Cash:quick cash lets you monetize your airtime without creating account with Cheetahpay.

All you have to do is click on this link, supply the airtime and bank details. Your money will be processed and delivered to your bank account within 5 mins

2.Deposit From Dashboard:

This method requires a user account
With a Cheetahpay user account, you can recharge multiple airtime cards, receive payments and donations from people


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Aim to get is one of new platforms to exchange your Airtime to Cash, Aimtoget lets you convert airtime of all networks to cash in less than 5 minutes

Aimtoget features instant payment to your bank account anytime of the day as our withdrawal system is automated.

They have a reasonable minimum and maximum transaction limit of (200 – 900,000) daily,

Download Aimtoget App

How to exchange Airtime to cash

Visit Aimtoget Official Website
Register or login using aimtoget app or web

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Go to “Fund wallet” select airtime option.

Select Network, input Amount and Phone number you are transferring from.

Transfer the airtime to the displayed number.

And lastly, Confirm transfer. Your wallet will be credited in less than 5 minutes.

Few steps to withdraw to your bank account?
Go to Withdraw on the mobile app or the website.

Input Amount to withdraw.

Select the bank you want to withdraw to or input bank details if you haven’t added any bank before

Finally, Complete withdrawal


AirtimeFlip makes it possible for you to convert airtime to money deposited into your bank account. It boasts as one of the fastest airtime converter in Nigeria with 99% automated transaction.

AirtimeFlip accepts all networks, which includes MTN, Airtel, Glo, and 9Mobile.

Airtimeflip 18% fee on each MTN airtime transaction. For instance you will get w₦ 820 into your bank account if you convert ₦ 1000 airtime (18%), and so on. Though the charges differs from one network to another, 18% for MTN and 20% Airtel Airtime, 25% for 9Mobile and 30% Glo airtime to cash conversions.

Download Airtimeflip app

To convert airtime to cash with Airtime flip, you will need to register with them fund your account with the amount of Airtime you wish to convert and convert it to cash within few minutes.

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Palmpay App

Palmpay is one of the fintech apps that supports airtime flipping, that’s to say that you can convert your excess airtime to cash on the Palmpay app and have the naira equivalent deposited into your Palmpay balance, the only downside is that they support only the MTN network for now.

To convert your Airtime to Cash on Palmpay, simply download the Palmpay app,

Sign up with your details or Login if you already have an account with them, click on the recharge to cash option and select go,

You will be required to input your mtn number, login to Your MTN share account, and create a new pin if that’s your first time and proceed by inputing the amount of airtime you wish to swap..

Like other platforms they charge a conversation fee of 12%

That’s all on how you can convert airtime to cash in Nigeria, note that All of the platforms above attract a withdraw fee in terms of percentage, do well to read their terms, service fees, etc before transacting with them

Best Regards..


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