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Android HOW TO

How To Increase The Ram Of Android Phone With And Without Root- 4 Methods

Written by Chrisrepair

Is your device allocated with little RAM of 500MB, 1GB and you wish to increase it to a reasonable size? then this tutorial is for you, with the aid of the apps, tweaks and instructions on this article you can increase the RAM of that your Android device, regardless of the root status of your Android device, on the off chance that your device is rooted you will have more RAM expansion options unlike the non-rooted devices.

Are you not familiar with the terms ‘RAM’, or her sister ‘ROM’? lets explain them in a lay man’s language, RAM is the Random Access Memory, while ROM is the Read Only Memory, RAM is responsible for the smooth running of apps on any device be it smartphones or PC, the bigger a device RAM the more chances it has to run high-end games, run multiple tasks and apps smoothly without lagging or hanging, android smartphone are allocated with a minimum of 500mb RAM, that’s for gingerbread and some kit kats, recent smartphones are packed with at least 1gb of RAM, most of them have as much as 6GB of RAM, ROM, on the other hand, is the Read Only Memory also referred as the internal memory, it’s this memory that store files, apps, documents on the Android smartphone without the aid of the external SD card, hope you catch the joke, lets not change the topic to “What is RAM and ROM” already 🙂


Most users search for a superior processor in Android gadgets and they don’t give much consideration regarding RAM. Indeed RAM is a standout amongst the most basic features of a gadget and regardless of whether the processor is first class and you don’t have enough RAM, at that point having that processor is practically futile. RAM is the memory which gives you a chance to run apps in your gadget. The more noteworthy the RAM, the more apps you can run simultaneously and the less slack you get while utilizing these apps. low-end Android gadgets don’t have enough RAM to run high-performance apps however you can without much of a stretch here is how you can Increase The Ram Of Android Phone,

How To Increase The Ram Of Android Phone With And Without Root

We are to share four working methods for rooted and non-rooted devices.

Method 1: Increase Android phone RAM with Roehsoft RAM Expander-Requires Root($9.15)

At $9.51, ROEHSOFT RAM Expander is a moderately expensive application to increase RAM for Android phones. Be that as it may, if your gadget is compatible, this is a standout amongst the most dependable apps for viable RAM increase on Android. The application has a few features however you need root access so as to utilize the application.

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Step 1: Firstly, you have to check whether ROEHSOFT Ram Manager supports your gadget as this is a paid application. You have to download and install theMemoryinfo and Swapfile check testing application so as to check whether your phone is compatible. Download from here

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When you have installed the application, launch it and press the Start RAMEXPANDER Test Here button. From that point onward, utilize your phone typically for around 5 minutes. Following 10 minutes, the application will give you the memory results. In the event that your gadget ran fine amid those 10 minutes and you didn’t get any blunder, at that point you’re ready.

increase android phone ram

Step 2: Next, download and install the ROEHSOFT Ram Expander application on your Android gadget. You can get the application utilizing the Google Play button beneath. Download-on-Google-Play

Step 3: Launch the application and select your ideal language. A popup will request that you Grant Root Access. Simply click on Ok to grant the application root get to. After you are taken to the home screen, you will see a ton of data about your gadget including RAM and SD card memory. You can seek out this data and check whether the process worked.

Step 5: Now, check on Autorun in order to start the app on boot.

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Step 5: Next, you can select the optimal RAM value by pressing on the Optimal Value button. You should also use the swapfile slider manually to increase the SD card storage that you want to use as additional RAM.

increase android phone ram

Step 6: Now, click on Swap Active. This will start the RAM streamlining process to increase RAM in Android on your phone gadgets. You probably won’t see an increase in RAM in your phone’s settings menu, yet your gadget should feel quicker and smoother. So as to completely check the performance in the wake of expanding the RAM, you can play an HD game that you couldn’t before because of poor performance and it should run much better on your gadget.with this method you can increase your ram to at least 4GB with the aid of your SD Card, you should use standard SD cards for a better performance.

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Method 2: Increase Android phone RAM with Smart RAM Booster (No- Root)

Smart RAM Booster is an exceptionally light third party application which works superbly at expanding the RAM on Android phones. It is anything but difficult to utilize and you can increase the RAM on your gadget through the snap of a button.

Step 1: Download and install Smart RAM Booster application on your Android gadget. You can get the application through the Google Play button beneath.


Step 2: Once installed, open the application and snap on settings. Here you can choose the boost level and add apps to the whitelist. Choosing a stronger boost level will altogether improve your RAM however a lot of apps may be killed amid the process. The whitelist is fundamentally a rundown where you can include apps that you would prefer not to slaughter when you start the boost process. For instance, on the off chance that you need to utilize Whatsapp consistently, you can add it to the rundown and it won’t get killed when you utilize the boost choice. You can likewise choose the Boost automatically alternative which automatically boosts the RAM when the phone is running slow or if the RAM is full. This is the ideal alternative for clients who would prefer not to manually boost the RAM when the phone is acting slow. Checking the RAM Booster Notification choice will give you a chance to increase the RAM utilizing your notification bar.

increase android phone ram


Step 3: If you want to manually increase RAM in Android phone devices, simply click on Boost Now or use the Boost button in your notification bar. This will kill several processes and your device should instantly feel faster.


Method 3: Increase Android phone RAM with Purify Apk(Root)

The Purify app is a standout among the memory, RAM and background app optimizing apps, with its aid you can control background running apps, thus increasing your device memory, you can equally auto kill apps immediately they are done with. here are the instructions on how to increase your device RAM with Purify.

Step 1: First Download and Install Purify app from here, launch the app, grant root access,

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step 2: Click on the three dots and select Deep Purify, then Auto Purify 

Step 3: Now Select Block Autostart for  apps you wouldn’t like to start up automatically when your device boots And auto kill for apps you would like the background process to be destroyed whenever you leave the app, both option help improve the RAM of your device, but you shouldn’t do so for apps you use often apps like  chat apps, email apps, and browsers.

increase android phone ram


Method 2: Increase Android phone RAM with RAM Control Extreme (No- Root)

RAM Control Extreme is another OK application to increase RAM in Android phone gadgets. The application doesn’t require root get to and has a few features implicit, including an assignment executioner. The application has gotten more than 100,000 downloads, nonetheless, some premium features are just incorporated into the Pro form of the application.

Step 1 : Download and install RAM Control Extreme on your Android gadget. You can get the application by tapping the button beneath.


Step 2: Open the application, and go to the SETTINGS tab. Here you can choose the RAM boosting levels, for example, ordinary, solid or extreme. You can likewise choose the auto RAM boosting frequency to automatically increase RAM on your Android gadgets.

increase android phone ram

Step 3: Next, go to the RAMBOOSTER tab. Presently, click on the Start button. This will start the Auto RAM booster and the application will start to increase RAM on your phone gadgets automatically at standard interims so you generally have enough free RAM for performing various tasks.

increase android phone ram

Step 4: In order to increase RAM in Android phone devices manually, you can go to the TASK KILLER tab. Here, you can select the apps that you want to destroy. After selecting the apps, simply click on the KILL button to destroy the apps and increase the RAM.

increase android phone ram


Those are the working root likewise non-root method of increasing android phones RAM, you can equally adhere to the instructions on this article to effectively control  background running apps and increase battery life, speed and RAM on your Android device

Best Regards…

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