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How To Make Free Calls While The Receiver Pays On MTN, Airtel, 9mobile(Etisalat And Glo

Written by Chrisrepair

Here is how you can make the person you are calling pay for your calls on the Major Networks providers in Nigeria MTN, Airtel, 9mobile(Etisalat) and Glo, with the aid of the guide on this post you will still make calls with 0.00kb balance and the receiver will pay your bills, We share the USSD codes and the procedures for using receiver pays service on any of the networks above, read on to grab the information.

There are situations where you are out of airtime and need to make that urgent call, maybe you are in a remote location thus couldn’t buy airtime or even recharge via your mobile app or USSD code, or you probably run out of airtime in the middle of a call, or as a student you might need to call your parents, in any of those situations you might need to use the receiver pays service, hopefully the recipient will have some Airtime and pay for the call charges,so here is how you can do that with ease using the MTN, GLO, AIRTEL AND 9MOBILE Receiver pays 4 call service.

Major Network providers allow users to access the “Receiver pays service” with different USSD, the service is only available to users on the same network that’s to say that an MTN Subscriber cannot use the service to call an Airtel or 9mobile subscriber, also the receiver paying for the calls will have to accept the offer to pay for the calls and if he decides not to, then he wouldn’t, so here is how the To make calls while the receiver pays for it.

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How To Make Call While The Receiver Pays On MTN

To use the receiver pays service on MTN you will have to follow the instructions below.

Step 1. You can place a call to the recipient by dialing *121* followed by the number#.
For Example:

Step 2. When you’ve successfully dial the number, you will receive the following response from MTN Nigeria:

Call in progress. Please wait while your call is being connected.

Step 3. Now, MTN Nigeria network will try to verify if the intending sponsor (receivers) of the call which you’ve placed the call to, two things.
The receivers Tariff plan.
The receivers Account Balance.
After MTN Network has done that, the receiver will receive this message.

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“Welcome to MTN Call Sponsor service.
Press 1 to accept,
Press 2 to reject,
Press 3 to accept and add to white list,
Press 4 to reject and add to black list.
Now, your call sponsor will be required to either press;
1 To accept the call
2 To reject the call
3 To accept the call and add your number to the white list.
4 To reject the call and add your number to the black list.

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Note, however that if your called sponsor presses 1, the call will be connected and your the mobile number called will be charged for the call according to her/his MTN2MTN tariff plan rate.
However, if your call receiver presses 2, the call will be rejected and you will receive the notification message:

“Sorry, the call cannot be connected at the moment. Please try again later. Thank you!”

However, if the called number presses 3, the call will be connected and your number will be added to your his white list at the end of the call.
But if your sponsor presses 4, the call will be rejected and your number added to his/her black list(this means he have banned you from calling him on using the sponsor service).

How To Make Call While The Receiver Pays On Airtel

Here is how to To Make Someone You Are Calling Pay For Your Call On Airtel

The First procedure:

To achieve this you will need to dial # before the number you want to pay for the call, note that the number have to be an Airtel number, eg #07092123456, the receiver will need to accept to pay for the calls, else the call wouldn’t go through.

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The Second Procedure:

You can also make the receiver sponsor the call by dialing 777 followed by the recipient’s No. Then Send e.g 777080********.

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How to Make The Receiver Pay for Your Call On GLO

To use the Pay4Me service on Glo and make the receiver pay for the calls you need to follow the instructions below

Before placing the call add 7733 as a prefix to the number before calling eg 773307068254526

As a norm the receiver will be required to accept the offer to pay for the calls, if he accepts the call will go through, else you will have to try again 😊.

How To Make Call While The Receiver Pays On 9mobile(Etisalat)

To use the Receiver pays service on 9mobile(Etisalat) you will need to read the instructions below

Before placing the call you will have to add 268 as prefix then send, eg 26808181234567, as soon as the user picks up the call, a voice prompt notifying him/her the terms of the call and an option to either to accept or reject paying for the calls.

That’s all on how you can make receiver pay for your calls on MTN, Airtel, Etisalat and Glo networks…

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