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You Can Now Run Android Apps/OS On iPhone- Project Sandcastle

Written by Chrisrepair

Running android OS on an iPhone is now possible, with the aid of this latest project, if you have been longing to run android apps on an Apple device then long no more because it’s now possible, sort of.., though this feature is not supported on every iPhone device yet, read on to figure out how you can possibly load/ use Android OS on and Apple device.

Android is undoubtedly a dominant OS in the mobile phone market, rich with bulk of features, the popularity of the Android OS can be credited to its seamlessness and affordability which makes its integration in to different devices easy and swift, that’s why you can easily run an android app or a PC, Nintendo watch, Windows phone.

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On the other hand, Apple’s SoC is exclusive to iPhones alone and not to any other manufacturer, developers have always find it difficult to run the Android OS on an iPhone device. but as it now developers has been able to change the history as a project called Sandcastle headed by David Wang and Chris Wage has made it possible to run android OS on and apply device Hardware and SoC

As it now, the Group has beta builds for IPhone 7 and 7+ which, though not every single feature is working on this beta at the moment but there are rooms for developments as time goes on

The big challenge was that the Apple hardware is both undocumented and nonstandard,” Wang told Forbes. “Our team knows more about it than most outside Apple, but we still had to put in a considerable amount of work to build drivers for it.

Below is a list of functionality so far supported on iPhones and iPods,

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IPhone 7 and 7+ supported most of features as shown on the picture graph above, features like the display, CPU, storage, multi touch, WLAN and others works, while stuffs such as the GPU, camera, Bluetooth, audio and cellular do not work at the moment.

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How To Install This Android OS on iPhone

To be able to run this android OS on your iPhone device, you will need to visit the project sandcastle official website and follow the instructions to install the android OS on your iPhone device, note however, that this is for advanced users and mobile software experts only

Best Regards..

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