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Not Earning Bonuses from Your Referral links? See the Possible Cause and Solutions

Written by Chrisrepair

Referal bonuses or incentives are the most selling advertising strategies many online brands, be it app, websites, ponzis or MLMs deploy to drive more clients to their products or services, the referral program is a means of thanking the clients for sharing/ recommending the product or service to friends or co leagues in simple terms advertising the said product or service in a FOC basis, expecting a bonus for every sign up through his campaign link.

Everyone loves any brand, program, services that issue a referral bonus, However, there are some setbacks while using referral links, which results in non-accreditation of the supposed referral points, rewards or bonuses as the case may be, the reasons behind those setbacks are what we are to discuss on the page, plus the possible solutions, so read on.

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Reasons Behind Not Earning Due Bonuses From Referral Links and Possible Solutions

  • Sharing your Links on the Social Media Eg Facebook:

Facebook and other social media are the best places to share your referral links and get massive clicks, but on the other hand its might deprives one of the actual purposes of sharing the links, here is the problem, referral links are made up of cookies which are stored on a browser for some number of days, the inbuilt facebook browser doesn’t save cookies, thus when you prospect performed a registration on the inbuilt facebook browser you might end up not getting the bonus credited,
To solve this issue you can specify on the link you shared that registrations are not to be done using the Facebook inbuilt browser you can go deep by recommending a browser, be it chrome or Firefox

  • Performing Multiple Registration in A browser or App: 

If you are to perform different registrations on your phones or pcs browser using same referral links, its advised that your clear the cache of the browser to avert non crediting of your due bonuses, if its an in-app registration you will need to clear data and cache of the said app before performing a new registration, though some apps can prove stubborn even after wiping the data, in that case, you will need to change your device ID, you can do so with the aid of the device ID changer app, which requires root to run.

  • Masking Your Referral Links:

Most a times people you tend to share your referral links with, ends up going to the main site to sign up for the program or services neglecting the invitation links, in this case, you can mask your referral link with URL shottener services, ad-free ones like or is recommended, with those your can mask and shotten your referral link

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Those are some of the reasons why you might end up not getting your due referral bonuses from your links, if knew of any other possible cause and solution do well to share with us via the comment box below.
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